Curiosity’s Dusty Selfie

Since August 2012, Curiosity has been exploring 3-mile-high Mt. Sharp in Gale Crater. The rover has climbed more than 2,000 feet (612 meters), reaching progressively younger rocks that serve as a record on how Mars has evolved from a wet, habitable planet to a cold desert environment.

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The Curiosity rover has been exploring Mars for 10 years. Here’s what we’ve learned.

NASA’s Curiosity rover has hit a major milestone: the robot is celebrating the 10th anniversary of its landing on Mars on Aug. 5, 2012. Over the decade, the rover has greatly advanced our understanding of the Red Planet through its exploration and research. Curiosity‘s primary mission objective was to determine whether or not Mars was habitable in the past. Through previous missions, scientists had already determined that water was once present on Mars and, in fact, is currently present on Mars in the form of ice. But water alone isn’t…

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SpaceX team headed to Australia to investigate Dragon space junk crash

SpaceX is going to the Australian outback in search of space debris. Following reports that bits of the SpaceX Crew-1 Dragon spacecraft landed in the southeast of the country, teams from the California company are going to Australia to see what is there. “We did get reports of debris from a trunk,” Benjamin Reed, senior director of SpaceX’s human spaceflight program, told reporters during a livestreamed NASA Crew-5 press briefing Thursday (Aug. 4). The “trunk” is an unpressurized cargo hold that also supports Crew Dragon during the launch phase, according…

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Astronomers catch a super-energetic collision of dead stars

A distant neutron-star merger unleashed one of the most powerful short gamma-ray bursts (GRB) ever seen, according to new observations by ALMA, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array in Chile. Neutron stars are the super-dense stellar cores left after massive stars explode, and when, say, two neutron stars collide, the result is a dramatic explosion, the light of which is referred to as a kilonova. The mergers also release gravitational waves and a brief blast of gamma-ray radiation in two tight jets shooting opposite directions into space. On Nov. 6 2021,…

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