For Henry Kissinger, NASA’S Apollo 11 lunar landing was about more than the moon

Henry Kissinger, the legendary statesman who served as Secretary of State under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, passed away yesterday at the age of 100. An official statement from Kissinger’s New York City-based consulting firm confirmed that the longtime political figure and foreign policy architect died on Wednesday (Nov. 30) at his New England residence in Connecticut.  While Kissinger is remembered most for his hawkish foreign policy positions, the former Secretary of State played a key role in promoting the success of NASA’s Apollo 11 mission in landing on…

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Inside ‘Earthrise’: A historian’s take on the origins of the Apollo 8 ‘image of the century’

The recent death of Frank Borman, commander of Nasa’s Apollo 8 mission in 1968, has focused attention on that incredible first voyage to the Moon. It took place eight months before Apollo 11, where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin explored the lunar surface for the first time. However, the impact of Apollo 8’s “Earthrise” picture — the sight of the Earth from the moon — now seems even greater than that of the first landing. For many years, the story behind the famous Earthrise photo, was that the crew were caught off-guard by the…

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New wristwatch bridges Apollo to Artemis with touch of real moon dust

There is an allure to moon dust. Just like its unique adhesive properties, causing it to stick to everything it touches, it tends to draw the attention of everyone who sees it, regardless their walk of life. It is appropriate then that Col&MacArthur named its moon dust-infused timepiece the LUNAR1,622. “It’s the gravity on the moon,” said Sebastien Colen, founder and CEO of the Belgium-based watch company, referring to the numerical designation of their new release and the gravitational pull of the moon as compared to Earth. “Every time we…

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