Set Your Sights on this Lunar Bull’s-Eye

Go ahead, live on the edge: Grab your chance this month to see Mare Orientale, one of the most spectacular lunar seas most people have never seen. The post Set Your Sights on this Lunar Bull’s-Eye appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Watch an Asteroid Race Across the Sky

The kilometer-wide, potentially hazardous asteroid 1994 PC1 will fly past Earth on January 18th. Good news on two counts: It won’t hit us, and it’s bright enough to see in a 4-inch telescope. The post Watch an Asteroid Race Across the Sky appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Comet-seeking on Cold, Crunchy Nights

Did the recent apparition of Comet Leonard whet your appetite for more of these beautiful unpredictables? Here are five more you can see with your telescope this season. The post Comet-seeking on Cold, Crunchy Nights appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Comet Leonard — A Gift at Christmastime

Comet Leonard (C/2021 A1), which appeared to stall out around magnitude 5 in early December, has become a surprise performer. Since transitioning to the evening sky, it’s undergone three successive […] The post Comet Leonard — A Gift at Christmastime appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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