Uncovering Secrets of Earth’s Shadow

The daily rising and setting of Earth’s shadow is a beautiful sight anyone on the planet can view. It’s also an opportunity to witness the rapid changes that accompany sunset or sunrise, but at the opposite end of the sky. The post Uncovering Secrets of Earth's Shadow appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, February 25 – March 5

As the winter Milky Way rides high, open star clusters near and far, and from compact to sparse, await your binoculars or telescope, At dawn catch the Venus-Mars pair, and try for the closer Mercury-Saturn pair lower down. The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 25 – March 5 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, February 18 – 26

With the Moon gone from the evening sky, trace out Monoceros the Unicorn walking behind Orion. Spot the famous binocular star clusters at his eye and horn-tip, and don’t miss M41 under Sirius. Meanwhile, the waning Moon, passes Venus, Mars and Mercury at dawn. The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 18 – 26 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, February 11 – 19

The Winter Hexagon hosts the Moon. Then Castor and Pollux nail the Moon. Then the Little and Big Dog stars arc gracefully away from it. Meanwhile in early dawn, Mercury, Venus and Mars continue as a triangle low in the southeast. The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 11 – 19 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, February 4 – 12

This is the part of the month when the evening Moon is at its telescopic best in many skywatchers’ opinions, as the terminator sweeps across the middle of the Moon’s disk. And in February, the Moon at these phases rides especially high. Jupiter sinks low in evening twilight, and a triangle of planets displays in early dawn. The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, February 4 – 12 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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This Week’s Sky at a Glance, January 28 – February 5

The Winter Triangle, the Goat Star and the Kids, Orion nearing his peak standing on the giant Hare over the difficult Dove… there’s plenty to occupy you in the evening even as most of the planets have migrated over to dawn. The post This Week's Sky at a Glance, January 28 – February 5 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Set Your Sights on this Lunar Bull’s-Eye

Go ahead, live on the edge: Grab your chance this month to see Mare Orientale, one of the most spectacular lunar seas most people have never seen. The post Set Your Sights on this Lunar Bull’s-Eye appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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