In Heaven with M7, a Portal Into the Deep

M7 in Scorpius is one of the brightest, most beautiful open clusters in the sky. It’s also “home” to a half-dozen other delectable deep-sky sights. The post In Heaven with M7, a Portal Into the Deep appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Summer Nights Offer Splendid Sights in Lyra

Lyra, the Lyre, offers a wonderful assortment of double stars and deep-sky objects to keep you up at night. Break out your binoculars and telescope and join me for a summertime ramble. The post Summer Nights Offer Splendid Sights in Lyra appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Hunting Barnard’s Variable in the Globular Cluster M3

We beat a path through a forest of stars to find the first variable star ever discovered in a globular star cluster. The post Hunting Barnard's Variable in the Globular Cluster M3 appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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Exploring Bright Galaxy Groups in Leo

Leo, the Lion, stands high in the southern sky during the early spring. We visit some of the constellation’s brighter galaxy clumps then go asteroid hunting. The post Exploring Bright Galaxy Groups in Leo appeared first on Sky & Telescope.

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