What is an Engineer? (Grades K-4)

4 Min Read What is an Engineer? (Grades K-4) This article is for students grades K-4. Engineers solve problems. They use science and math to create new things or make things work better. There are different kinds of engineers. They work on different kinds of projects. Some engineers design buildings or machines. Others find ways to move heat, power, or water from one place to another. Some create new tools. NASA needs engineers. They design the things humans need to fly in space or on airplanes. Engineers make great ideas…

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How Does the Sun Behave? (Grades K-4)

3 Min Read How Does the Sun Behave? (Grades K-4) This article is for students grades K-4. The Sun is a star. It is the biggest object in our solar system. The Sun is about 93 million miles away from Earth and about 4.5 billion years old. The Sun affects Earth’s weather, seasons, climate, and more. Let’s learn about how the Sun behaves. Why is the Sun warm and bright? The Sun is a giant ball made of hydrogen and helium gases. Deep in the center of the Sun, hydrogen…

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NASA Knows: How Does the Sun Behave? (Grades 5-8)

This article is for students grades 5-8. The Sun is the star of our solar system. Its gravity holds Earth and our planetary neighbors in its orbit. At 865,000 miles (1.4 million km) in diameter, it’s the largest object in our solar system. On Earth, its influence is felt in our weather, seasons, climate, and more. Let’s learn about our dynamic star and its connections to life on Earth. What is the Sun, and what is it made of? The Sun is a yellow dwarf star. It is approximately 4.5…

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NASA Knows – How Can I Get Involved With NASA Research?

5 min read Preparations for Next Moonwalk Simulations Underway (and Underwater) NASA provides a variety of pathways for those outside the agency to contribute to authentic and meaningful research. Whether you’re a student pursuing a degree in STEM (science, technology, engineering, or mathematics), an educator looking for new ways to engage your classroom, or a citizen scientist enthusiastic about sharing your observations, there’s a wide array of opportunities to get involved in NASA research. Citizen scientists around the world participate in environmental observation and measurement efforts through GLOBE. NASA Everybody…

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Bundling the Best of Heliophysics Education: DigiKits for Physics and Astronomy Teachers

Learn Home Bundling the Best of… For Educators Overview Learning Resources Science Activation Teams SME Map Opportunities More Science Activation Stories Citizen Science   3 min read Bundling the Best of Heliophysics Education: DigiKits for Physics and Astronomy Teachers For nearly a decade, the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) has been working to bring together resources through its DigiKits–multimedia collections of vetted high-quality resources for teachers and their students. These resources are toolkits, allowing teachers to pick and choose interesting content to support their instruction. As a partner with…

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Read With NASA: Books, More to Inspire Young Explorers

Flight Engineer Joe Acaba holds a children’s book that he is reading from as part of the Story Time From Space program. Astronauts read aloud from a STEM-related children’s book while being videotaped and demonstrate simple science concepts and experiments aboard the International Space Station. Stories open up new worlds and spark curiosity in readers of all ages – and NASA is using the power of storytelling to encourage the Artemis Generation to explore STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). Through the below list of reading resources – books, comics,…

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Launch Your Creativity with These Space Crafts!

9 min read Launch Your Creativity with These Space Crafts! In honor of the completion of our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s spacecraft — the vehicle that will maneuver the observatory to its place in space and enable it to function once there — we’re bringing you some space crafts you can complete at home! Join us for a journey across the cosmos, starting right in your own pantry.  Stardust Slime Did you know that most of your household ingredients are made of stardust? And so are you! Nearly every…

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NASA@ My Library and Partners Engage Millions in Eclipse Training and Preparation

2 min read NASA@ My Library and Partners Engage Millions in Eclipse Training and Preparation The Space Science Institute, with funding from the NASA Science Mission Directorate and Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, provided unprecedented training, support, and supplies to 15,000 libraries in the U.S. and territories in support of public engagement during the 2023 and 2024 eclipses. From September 2022 to September 2024, these efforts included: Co-development efforts with 3 NASA@ My Library Partner Libraries in the “Square of Awesome” (where both the total and annular eclipse crossed) led…

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