Slow Your Student’s ‘Summer Slide’ and Beat Boredom With NASA STEM

4 Min Read Slow Your Student’s ‘Summer Slide’ and Beat Boredom With NASA STEM Creating and testing soda-straw rockets is a fun way for younger students to avoid the “summer slide” and stay engaged in STEM during summer vacation. Credits: NASA The school year has come to an end, and those long summer days are stretching ahead like an open runway. Parents and educators often worry about the “summer slide,” the concept that students may lose academic ground while out of school. But summer doesn’t mean students’ imaginations have to…

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Scholastic SuperSTEM Magazine Features GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper

2 min read Scholastic SuperSTEM Magazine Features GLOBE Mosquito Habitat Mapper The NASA Earth Science Education Collaborative team collaborated with Scholastic on an article and activity for learners in grades 3-6: “Meet the World’s Deadliest Creature”, which appeared in the May/June 2024 issue of SuperSTEM. The magazine includes nonfiction science articles and activities that encourage learners to problem solve and investigate real-world phenomena. In this hands-on investigation, Mosquito Habitat Survey, learners search for places where mosquitoes could lay eggs, and then, plan ways to make the areas less friendly to…

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My NASA Data Milestones: Eclipsed by the Eclipse!

2 min read My NASA Data Milestones: Eclipsed by the Eclipse! The My NASA Data (MND) project supports grades 3rd through 12th-grade students and teachers across the globe in analyzing and interpreting NASA mission data. MND provides student and teacher materials, including teacher-facing lesson plans, student-facing lessons and interactives, and NASA data via an easy-to-access interface. Having recently celebrated over 1 million digital engagements in the 2023 fiscal year, MND was excited and amazed to experience a record-breaking 1 million visitors from March 10 – April 10, 2024 -– a…

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