Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law

About In its functional leadership role, the Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group supports policy-level interactions with other elements of Government; provides specialized guidance and advice to the Offices of the General Counsel at NASA Field Centers regarding contract award, administration and litigation matters; and develops and coordinates NASA legal policy in these areas.  As a functional office to the NASA Administrator, the Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group provides legal advice regarding Headquarters-level contract selection, administration and termination decisions; drafts or comments on proposed legislation, regulations and…

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Acquisition Integrity Program

In its functional leadership role, the Acquisition and Integrity Program (AIP) supports policy-level interactions with other governmental agencies combating procurement fraud. This Program provides specialized guidance and advice to the Office of the Chief Counsel at NASA Field Centers regarding procurement fraud matters; advises on affirmative litigation in the recovery of monies resulting from fraudulent activity on behalf of the Agency; and develops and coordinates NASA legal policy in these areas. As a functional office to the NASA Administrator, the Acquisition Integrity Program provides legal advice regarding suspected fraud and…

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Headquarters and Center Chief Counsel Contacts

General Counsel Iris Lan Deputy General Counsel Christine Pham (Acting) Director of Legal Operations Bryan R. Diederich (Acting) Associate General Counsel for Commercial and Intellectual Property Law Practice Group, Headquarters Karen Reilley Associate General Counsel for Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group, Headquarters Scott Barber Associate General Counsel for General Law Practice Group, Headquarters Katie Spear Associate General Counsel for International and Space Law Practice Group, Headquarters Rebecca Bresnik Agency Counsel for Ethics, Headquarters Adam F. Greenstone Director of the NASA Acquisition Integrity Program (Fraud Remedies) and the Agency…

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General Counsel Organization – Headquarters

General Counsel Iris Lan Deputy General Counsel Christine Pham (Acting) Director of Legal Operations Bryan R. Diederich (Acting) Associate General Counsel for Contracts and Acquisition Integrity Law Practice Group Scott Barber Associate General Counsel for General Law Practice Group Katie Spear Associate General Counsel for Commercial and Intellectual Property Law Group Karen M. Reilley Associate General Counsel for International and Space Law Practice Group Rebecca Bresnik Agency Counsel for Ethics Adam F. Greenstone Director, Acquisition Integrity Program Monica Aquino-Thieman

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Commercial Law Resources

The following resources relevant to the Commercial Law Practice Group are available on this site.Note: the information below is updated annually, and users of this web page will need to verify the accuracy of the citations and the information contained in the web links: 1. StatutesA. Commercial Commercial Space Competitiveness Act:Definitions — 51 U.S.C. § 50501Anchor Tenancy and Termination Liability — 51 U.S.C. § 50503Title 51 Chapter 509, formerly the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984– Commercial Space Act of 1998, Title II — P.L. 105-303Commercial Use of Government Facilities –15…

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