La NASA invita a los medios a conocer a astronautas de la estación espacial

(8 de noviembre de 2021) — La Estación Espacial Internacional, fotografiada desde la nave Crew Dragon Endeavour de SpaceX durante un vuelo alrededor del laboratorio orbital que tuvo lugar tras el desacoplamiento de Dragon del puerto orientado al espacio del módulo Harmony de la estación. Crédito: NASA Read this release in English here. La NASA ofrecerá una rueda de prensa con cuatro astronautas a las 9:30 a.m. EDT (hora del este de EE.UU.) del martes 19 de marzo en la sede de la agencia en Washington. La tripulación, entre la que…

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NASA Invites Media to Meet Space Station Astronauts at Headquarters

(Nov. 8, 2021) — The International Space Station is pictured from the SpaceX Crew Dragon Endeavour during a fly around of the orbiting lab that took place following its undocking from the Harmony module’s space-facing port. Credits: NASA Lee esta nota de prensa en español aquí. NASA will host a media availability with four astronauts at 9:30 a.m. EDT Tuesday, March 19, at the agency’s headquarters in Washington. The crew, including record-breaking NASA astronaut Frank Rubio, will discuss their recent mission aboard the International Space Station where they conducted a broad…

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Crescent Moon Over NASA’s Kennedy Space Center

NASA / Joel Kowsky The crescent moon, along with Jupiter (top right of Moon) and Venus (below Moon) appeared over the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida Feb. 22, 2023, as preparations continued for NASA’s SpaceX Crew-6 mission. NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Warren “Woody” Hoburg, UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut Sultan Alneyadi, and Roscosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev launched to the International Space Station March 2, 2023. The NASA Headquarters photographers chose this photo as one of the best images from 2023. See the rest on Flickr. Image…

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