This Week In Space podcast: Episode 89 — Who’s in Charge in Space?

On Episode 89 of This Week In Space, Tariq and Rod discuss the challenges of regulating spaceflight. With an increase in commercial and private spaceflight comes the need to regulate it, and the FAA has had a major role in newspace flight rules to date… but should it be the primary regulator moving ahead? Many in the field say no, and some decry most attempts at what they see as unnecessary control. We at TWiS feel that, like any other form of transportation, proper and healthy regulation is needed–the question…

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This Week In Space podcast: Episode 87 — One Lunar Fizz Please

On Episode 87 of This Week In Space, Tariq and Rod discuss drinking in space with Colleen McLeod Garner. As more people take tourist jaunts into space, and eventually into orbit for longer stays, social drinking will become part of the experience—even if it’s just that bottle of congratulatory champagne. Besides the odd effects of zero-g on fizzy drinks in the stomach, the effects of imbibing alcohol cause a wide variety of risks and concerns. And while this is not entirely unknown territory—the Russians have been known to drink cognac…

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